New Green Blah! merch available in our store!
We have new Green Blah! merch now available in our online store.
Just in time for some holiday shopping, you'll find:
Green Blah! t-shirts available in Heather Forest or Charcoal.
Green Blah! hooded sweatshirts available in Forest Green and Heather Charcoal.
And Limited Edition "Brian Walsby" Kutska's Hall t-shirts in Black and Midnight Blue
Green Blah Punk Rock X-mas Party
We're showing GREEN BLAH! The History of Green Bay Punk Rock "The First Ten Years or so..." again at the Historic Tarlton Theater on December 21st, 2024! The evening film screening begins with doors at 5 PM, Film at 6 PM and our free annual Green Bay Punk Rock X-Mas party following the movie. We'll have our cast of unusual characters spinning the finest punk rock and power pop records from their collections. Join us for the fun!
The evening screening of the film has sold out, so we added a Saturday matinee! All details below.
Saturday, December 21st
Place: The Historic Tarlton Theater
Film | 1PM Doors & Dinner | 2 PM Showtime
Film | 5 PM Doors & Dinner | 6 PM Showtime **SOLD OUT**
X-Mas Party | 8:30 PM Doors | 9 PM Showtime FREE!!
The tickets are available now at The Historic Tarlton website: thetarlton.com

Green Blah Film Premiere tickets are now on sale!
We are happy to announce a FOURTH Premiere Showing of GREEN BLAH! The History of Green Bay Punk Rock "The First Ten Years or so..." Documentary. The Green Blah Packers play at 3:25--so you can see both on Sunday gameday!!!
Place: Historic Tarlton Theatre.
Date: Sunday, November 3rd, 2024. Time: 12PM Noon.
The tickets are available now at The Historic Tarlton website: thetarlton.com
We are happy to announce a 3rd Premiere Showing of GREEN BLAH! The History of Green Bay Punk Rock "The First Ten Years or so..." Documentary.
Place: Historic Tarlton Theatre.
Date: Saturday November 2nd, 2024. Time: 1pm. SOLD OUT!!
The tickets are available now at The Historic Tarlton website: thetarlton.com
The Historic Tarlton Theatre seating is as follows: Tickets can be purchased in a 2 party table, 3 party table, 4 party booth, 5 party booth or single seat. If a single seat ticket is purchased, the Tarlton will place you with other single seat ticket purchases.
Tickets are limited in number and are on a first come first serve basis.
There is not a guest list available for the film premiere(s). All attendees will need to purchase tickets.
Thank You to those parties who have already purchased tickets for the Green Blah! Premiere & Green Bay Punk Rock Reunion Shows. It is much appreciated, and we look forward to seeing everyone.
Thank You. –Green Blah!

There are four events planned for the weekend at the Historic Tarlton Theater. Each night has a screening of the film and a Green Bay Punk Rock Reunion show. Details provided below. See the tickets at thetarlton.com
Friday, November 1 SOLD OUT!!!
Documentary Premiere | 6:00 PM Doors & Dinner • 7:00 PM Showtime
Punk Rock Reunion Concert | 10:00 PM Doors • 10:30 PM Showtime
Concert features: No Response, Boris the Sprinkler (original lineup), Malignance, Art Thieves, Rosary, Just Punks and AxBxMx (A Buncha Morons), , and special guests! (Bands are subject to change. Bands may be added, subtracted or divided.)
Saturday, November 2 SOLD OUT!!!
Documentary Premiere | 4:00 PM Doors & Dinner • 5:00 PM Showtime
Punk Rock Reunion Concert | 8:00 PM Doors • 8:30 PM Showtime
Concert features: Moral Disgust/Rebel Waltz, Depo-Provera, Withdraw, The Leg Hounds, The Minors, Tyrants, and special guests! (Bands are subject to change. Bands may be added, subtracted or divided.)

GREEN BLAH! would like to thank our sponsors for their support of The Green Blah! Film Premier & Punk Rock Reunion Weekend:
Active Bike & Fitness, Blue Moon Emporium, Cheesesteak Rebellion, DigiCOPY Green Bay, Green Bay Action Sport Organization (GBASO), Green Bay UFO Museum Gift Shop and Records, Hinterland Brewery, Jake's Pizza Green Bay, Luna Coffee, Powers Comics & Collectibles, Rock N' Roll Land, Sangria's Mexican Grill, The Depot Restaurant, The Tarlton Theatre and Tipsy Taco & Tequila Bar
Contact us at the following email:
Chris Pretti: cprettigreenblah@gmail.com
James Baker: streetsoffire@ntd.net
What's new
What We're working on
We proudly announce the GREEN BLAH! FILM PREMIERE weekend dates.
The weekend includes: The Green Blah! Film Premiere & Green Bay Punk Rock Reunion Shows, which include live sets from some of the 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s Green Bay Punk Rock Bands.
It will be a weekend to get together, watch the film, celebrate our long lasting friendships and rediscover the people, places and things that made Green Bay Punk rock important and historic.
We are glad to be partnering with THE TARLTON THEATRE in Downtown Green Bay as the venue for these events. We will announce when ticket sales go online for the GREEN BLAH! Premiere and GREEN BAY PUNK ROCK REUNION Shows, so stay tuned. Lots more news and information to follow.
We are excited and hope you are too!
Thank You.
Green Blah now on Instagram!
So...right, check us out!! We'll post the occasional photo or item of interest. You can find us on Instagram as green_blah_film. Thanks!!
New "Thank You" page
As we mentioned when we ran the Kickstarter campaign, all backers would receive a "thank you" mention on our webpage. We've added the page here. Everyone who was able to contribute to the campaign is listed alphabetically.
If for any reason you would like your name removed for privacy please use or contact form to let us know and we can adjust accordingly.
Green Blah podcast interview!!
We (somewhat) recently had the pleasure of doing a Green Blah interview on the Ideas by Elliot podcast. Elliot is a big fan on our project and had us down to the Camera Corner Studios on Packer game day Sunday before the Pack played the dreaded Seahawks of Seattle. We talked out the film, punk rock and whatever other assorted nonsense made its way onto the mic.
You can give the interview a listen by following the link below. And make sure you check out the other great interviews Elliot has to offer by checking out Ideas by Elliot.
Green Blah! on TV!!!
Editing...lots and lots of editing
We're hard at work making this film a reality. Cole, Max and Dan have their hands full as we sift through all the interview footage. We work the project "day in and day out" to keep Green Blah! on track. WHEW!!!
The Kickstarter campaign
was a huge success!!!
Thanks to all our friends and fans for their important contributions!!
The Kickstarter campaign ended yesterday morning at 8:06AM. Our Green Blah! fund raiser was successful...our goal was $16,000 and we ended the 30 day campaign at $19,500. So our film is funded!!!
A big THANK YOU to all our friends and fans that were able to contribute to the cause!! Because of YOU, we'll be able to complete the film and make it the BEST Green Blah! we can. We can't wait to show this film to you and we're so happy that we can return our attention back to editing and off of hitting you folks up for donations.
Here's what the funds raised will cover:
editing!! We have assembled a group of three guys to put our footage together into a solid feature length film. Cole, Dan and Max are the right guys for the job!
animation to make it look all snazzy!
graphics to make it look sharp!
color correction--trust me, its needed
sound editing...most of this music was recorded on a boom box in a basement with a guy screaming into the mic
DVD production...making the actual DVDs we will deliver to you
and misc odds and ends we don't even know about yet!
We try to update this website as often as we can. We're in the thick of editing the film...so there will be delays. Please check out our Facebook page as news, photos and other items of interest will hit there first.
So check out everything we have to offer. We're always looking for feedback, so if there's something you have a question on, if there's something you want to see or you have a suggestion on how to improve the site...please use our contact form and let us know!!
Whenever we add something new to our website, Facebook page or YouTube...we'll post an update with an accompanying link for it on this homepage.
Green Blah! was lucky enough to be featured on The Maino Project on NBC26 in Green Bay recently. The experience was really cool and we passed along some photos, flyers, interview clips AND never-before-seen archive footage of two Green Bay punk legends...Withdraw and Bludgeon!! To check out the clip that aired on TV back on September 17th click the photo of the Moral Digust guys below!!!